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St Brides PS Belfast

News - P1

2017/2018 School Year

27th Oct 2017
On Friday 27th October, we had a non uniform day and we paid £1 to the PTA...
19th Oct 2017
We have PE every week. This week in PE, we have been learning to control a...
9th Oct 2017
We have started to learn lots about letters and their sounds. This week we were...
9th Oct 2017
This week in our Numeracy tasks, we were sorting. Once we sorted the keys, spools...
5th Oct 2017
During our Numeracy task time, we have been matching! One of our tasks involved...
4th Oct 2017
We got to visit the Outdoor Playground for the first time last week and we LOVED...
4th Oct 2017
In Primary 1 we are learning that a sentence is made up of smaller units called...
27th Sep 2017
We love sorting in P1!! Last week we sorted different shapes and colours of pasta...
27th Sep 2017
National Poetry Day Today we have been celebrating National Poetry Day. We performed...