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St Brides PS Belfast

News - P1

2017/2018 School Year

22nd Mar 2018
We are adding everything we can get our hands on! This week we used colourful wooden...
22nd Mar 2018
This month we have been using a big teaching clock to help us tell the time. We...
8th Mar 2018
When we visited the Nursery Playground this week, we brought our Number Line Tabards...
23rd Feb 2018
On Friday 23 rd February we went on our school trip to the Armagh Planetarium....
8th Feb 2018
In Numeracy, we have been doing lots of adding. This week, we have been exploring...
7th Feb 2018
Today, we had a lovely Prayer Service, where we thanked God for Saint Brigid. Our...
29th Jan 2018
We have been listening to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk this week. We then...
29th Jan 2018
As part of our homework recently, we had a challenge! Our challenge was to make...
25th Jan 2018
For the last 3 weeks we have been really loving our PE sessions. We have had visitors...
18th Jan 2018
In Numeracy we have be adding two sets. First we did this with ourselves and our...