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St Brides PS Belfast
Celebrating Our Cultures: We All Belong !
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News - Year 2 O'Hare ( JODG)

2019/2020 School Year

7th Feb 2020
  P2 Campbell started coding on the iPad this week and they are loving it!...
21st Jan 2020
  In P2 Campbell we have been learning all about our emotions and what to...
14th Jan 2020
  P2 Campbell love learning different languages and this year we have been...
14th Jan 2020
  This term P2 Campbell are learning all about Winter and Polar Habitats,...
19th Dec 2019
  Wow wow wow!! What an exciting day in P2 Campbell! We got word earlier...
13th Dec 2019
  In P2 Campbell we like to relax with some deep breathing and stretching...
13th Dec 2019
This will make you smile! Thank you Miss Grainne!
6th Dec 2019
  Our advent calendar today asked us to help tidy up. Mila and Anna helped...
5th Dec 2019
  This year P2 Campbell are opening a slightly different advent calendar!...
25th Nov 2019
  Last week P2 Campbell were visited by two doctors, but don’t worry...