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St Brides PS Belfast

Primary One Mrs McNamee Our Butterflies!

21st May 2018

On Friday we released our butterflies!

We have been watching the life cycle since we were lucky enough to have real caterpillars in our classroom. We saw the caterpillars shed their skin and get thicker and longer each time!

Once the caterpillars changed into chrysalis we knew we would see butterflies soon!

Last week was so exciting as we had 3 real butterflies come out of their chrysalis and fly around the ‘Butterfly Garden’!

We named them ‘Buttercup’, ‘Pretty’ and ‘Max’!

Finally, we knew it was time to let them go and hunt for nectar themselves. We brought them out to the garden and the butterflies seemed a little shy as we had to encourage them to fly off.

We hope they are very happy and soon lay eggs!
