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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 6 McAuley WAU Archaeology Task

13th Oct 2016

On Thursday our class did an archaeology project in WAU. We got magnifying glasses, paintbrushes, trays and we had to wear some gloves. Mr McAuley called us by group to dig up Viking artefacts, each group got one item and we had to write it down into our WAU books about what size it was, what it was made from, how was it decorated and what it was. Some of the items were a candle holder, a cup, a mug, a mask and Thor’s hammer as a necklace. We all got three artefacts and used our magnifying glasses, to look at how it was decorated and what it was made of. We then used our rulers to see what size it was and we recorded the information about the Vikings artefacts, some tables swapped artefacts. They had sand so we had to use our brushes to dust it off, we recorded three or four artefacts to our books before we had to tidy up, it was really fun and they were all secondary sources of evidence because they were replicas of the real Viking artefacts.

By P6 Alexandria and Anna P J
