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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 5 McAllister Sound Experiments

4th Dec 2015

We braved the cold in the playground to carry out our experiment on how a megaphone can amplify the sound of out voices.

Here's what Hanna and Hannah had to say...

On Thursday the 3rd of December  our class  went outside to the large playground with the paper megaphones that we had made a few days before with a partner.  We are studying sound in the World Around Us and we wanted to test how well sound travels with and without a megaphone. What we did was one person stayed at one end of the playground with the megaphone. This person spoke in a normal voice without the megaphone and then with the megaphone and the other partner recorded whether they could hear their partner or not.  The distance between partners increased 10 steps at a time as the experiment was repeated. When our partners reached the far end of the playground, they found that sound could be amplified very well by the megaphone. We were unable to hear sounds spoken at a normal voice pitch when we were at the other end of the playground.  When we got into the classroom we shared our results with our partner and the class discussed overall results.

