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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 5 Maguire Meet Seamus O'Hare

29th Apr 2015

Seamus O’Hare came in to talk to the Primary fives about life in the past without technology.   He told us of how he used to play football in the street with his friends afterschool with a ball made from old newspapers.  There were few cars so the only thing they had to look out for was horse mess from the horses and carts passing.  He had a black and white television and he can remember about 10 people coming over to his house to listen to the gramophone.  He also told us about how he used to go up Cavehill for hours and how he mitched school and stole a potato from the local fruit shop on the way and cook it up the mountain.  Seamus told us about the importance of having conversations.  He said that we are all using i pads, tablets, i pods and other technological gizmos instead of talking to each other.  Seamus spoke about life in the blitz and how he worked in the fruit market also.  We all loved listening to Seamus’ stories about life in the past.  Thank you Seamus!
