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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 McNamee Identifying the sound of S

3rd Oct 2017

Today during our Literacy Tasks, we had to cut and stick 3 pictures that started with the sound S. Then we were allowed to go to The Sound Spot in our class and look at all the posters with S pictures and all the items our friends brought to school that begin with our S sound. We had to pick 3 more items to draw on our page.

Ming Qi and Damian drew socks, Hugh and Sophie drew a snowman, Erin, Kathleen and Lara all drew a snake! Aphia drew a starfish and that is the name of the table she sits at!

Why don’t you go on a hunt around your house or if you are out for a walk to see how many things you can spot that begin with the sound S?

Have fun!
