Access Keys:

St Brides PS Belfast


Playball’s multi-sport age specific programme is available currently for children from P1 – P3 from 2-3pm in St. Bride's Ashleigh Play ground. Children are collected from school by full trained Playball staff  and brought to the Ashleigh playground. They should be collected from the playground  at 3pm.

Yrs 1-3 ( 2-3.10pm)

Yrs 4-7 ( 3-4pm)  

Classes are available to book online at or contact or 07734384616/028 9079 5223

*All staff are fully trained in the Playball methodology of coaching, including paediatric first aid, police vetted and in child protection.

**Playball has full public and employers liability insurance

With Thanks

Ciara Faloona

Playball NI

07734 384616 / 028 9079 5223

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