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Miniversity 2021-22
We are pleased to confirm Miniversity Creative Learning Club will return to St Bride’s PS in Term 2 after school on a Monday from 9th January 2023 for 11 weeks. The Junior & Senior Clubs will run in the Ashleigh Building Computer Suite 2-3pm & 3:10-4:10pm and are open to children P2-P7. Each session touches on a ‘careers theme’ where the children are given tasks using a variety of different programs such as MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, SCRATCH Coding or Windows Movie Maker. The cost is £77 per child for the full term which can be paid in 2 x instalments. If you would like to reserve a place please email study@miniversity.com direct. If you have any questions about the programme please contact study@miniversity.com or 07712042222. Please visit www.miniversity.com for further details.