Year 7 STEM Project in St. Teresa's Primary School
By Dan, Zach and Killian, P7 Mrs McKenna
On Monday morning we went to St. Teresa’s Primary school to take part in a S.T.E.M competition (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) where we had to design, test and plan a moving vehicle which could carry an egg safely without cracking. To make our vehicle we used some black card, yellow cardboard, small wooden rods and plastic wheels, we also had to write a short plan for our vehicle which included a bird’s eye view, a side view of our model, how we will transport the egg, the safety of the egg and the equipment we will use for each part. At the end of the trip we raced each of our finished models with the other schools. Over all we found the trip very exciting and fun it was also very educational since we learned some new skills. Have a look at our pics and video.
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Belfast, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland BT9 6FP
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