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St Brides PS Belfast
St.Bride’s PS & NU Open Day Friday 3rd January 2025 at 1:30-2:30pm Derryvolgie Hall
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Year 5 Mc Closkey : Conductors & Insulators

21st Oct 2021

Materials that allow electricity to flow are conductors. Mr Mc Closkey told us to let our imaginations flow! ( flow  as in current …get it?? Ha-ha!) Materials which don't allow electricity to flow through them are called insulators. We carried out experiments to test different materials. We tested apples, buckles, pencils- all kinds of objects in our classroom to see if they would conduct electricity. We and had great fun carrying out these experiments. We observed and recorded our observations. We love practical science work. We felt like real, live scientists. We learnt a lot and know that you should treat electricity with caution as it can be dangerous.
