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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 5 Fee's Assembly

21st Jan 2016
Year 5 Fee's Assembly

Today Mr Fee’s class had their assembly. They were amazing. Their message to the other Year 4 & 5 pupils was about how important it is to keep up to date with local and world news. They told us that we can find the news on our phones, on a tablet or by reading the newspaper. They showed us a great a wonderful paper for children called First News. They then highlighted some events which have been reported recently in the news such as the launch of the new Sky Wars Movie- The Force Awakens, Tim Peake’s space adventure and the death of David Bowie. Have a look at the photo gallery and see Year 5 Fee’s very own David Bowie, characters from Star Wars and Tim Peake! Have a listen to their own rendition of David Bowie’s Star Man accompanied on the piano by Mr Fee. Well done Mr Fee and your very talented class.
