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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 4Wilson Have Been Busy Bees

24th Apr 2020

P4 Wilson have been very busy at home during Lockdown and have been working so hard. Here are some photos of all the fantastic work that has been going on.

Emma, Katie, Mary, Leo, Cian and Anna have been enjoying learning about minibeasts so much that they have decided to make bug hotels in their gardens. Hopefully they will spot some bugs inside soon!

Cian, Oliver, Leo and Anna have been busy bees, reading all about bees on News Desk and have written interesting reports about what they have learned, including lots of fun facts. 

Katie has been working hard on her comprehension, all about sounds. Keep up the good work! 

We have still found the time to be creative, with Mary making some play dough and Katie and Amy spending time practising their drawing skills. 
