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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 4 Gray Are So Industrious

27th Apr 2020

Alannah watched the RTE home hub yesterday and learned how to make an oven powered by the sun. She used it to make toast! Such an environmentally friendly invention!

Cuán has been using a clock game to help him to learn how to tell time. Learning through games is definitely lots of fun!

Sarah created a wonderful Spring scrap book with beautiful illustrations.

Agnia and Niamh have become gardeners. Both girls have been doing a bit of gardening. Agnia planted her bean seed which she was given in Castle Ward during our WW2 trip and Niamh planted some runner beans! She has her Granny Annie's green fingers!

George has been very this week. He has been playing with his dog, taking relaxing sunset walks, helping his Dad paint the fence, playing golf, reading Harry Potter and doing Taekwondo lessons on Zoom.

Mrs Quinn and Miss Joyce just love seeing you all working away at home !

Keep it up girls and boys!
