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St Brides PS Belfast
St.Bride’s PS & NU Open Day Friday 3rd January 2025 at 1:30-2:30pm Derryvolgie Hall
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Year 2 Meehan People Who Help Us

4th Dec 2018

As part of our learning about the topic People Who Help Us we had a visit from Fergus’ mummy who talked about her job as an immunologist which is a scientist who is trying to understand more about germs and diseases as well as trying to develop new medicines to help people who are ill.

It was fascinating to learn that the scientists copy the instructions from insects and animals that glow in the dark like fireflies and glow sharks. They can then recreate these in other animals to show where the disease is. Fergus’ mummy showed us a PowerPoint to explain all this and then we asked questions. Florence asked the question, how do we get germs? Fergus’ mummy explained that we can stop germs from spreading by simply washing our hands!

A big thank you to Fergus' Mum.
