What's Happening in Year 3GH ?
1st Jun 2020
Ellen has risen to the challenge and come up with a fantastic mnemonic for remembering the colours of the rainbow in order. It is fantastic. Maybe she could teach it to the whole class?
Aphia has been measuring things about a metre, more than a metre and less than a metre! Keep up the excellent work, Aphia!
Look at the fabulous artwork from Sophie, a still life in the pointillist style! Watch out Cezanne and Seurat!
It is so lovely to see your work. Happy Monday all!
St Bride's Primary School, 36 Derryvolgie Avenue,
Belfast, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland BT9 6FP
Tel: 028 90381700 | Email: info@stbrides.belfast.ni.sch.uk