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Sports Day in P2 Campbell

4th Jun 2020

Check out P2 Campbell’s Sports Day video!!

Miss Campbell was so looking forward to having sports day with her fantastic class this year, and so she decided that just because they were all at home doesn't mean they couldn’t still have a brilliant sports day together!!


She encouraged them to get as many people in their house to take part and to compete in as many sports day events as possible! Even Miss Campbell’s mum joined in! Once they competed in an event they sent Miss Campbell a picture of all the fun!

The four events were:
- Sack race
- Egg/potato and spoon race
- Three legged race
- Running race

Once everyone had sent in their amazing pictures and videos Miss Campbell made a P2 Campbell Sports Day video, so it feels like the class were all in it together! She loved seeing how much fun her class were having at home 😊

Well done to everyone who took part! I think they are all winners 🌟

Remember you can still take part in our whole school sports day- details are on the school website
