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St Brides PS Belfast

Solving problems in P2 O'Prey

9th Jan 2020

Today during PDMU the children listened to stories about puppets who had problems. Piglet didn't like being called Piggy. Winnie and Mrs Hoppy didn't like it when Piglet didn't help tidying up and Wombat felt left out when he didn't have a partner. The children learnt that the best part of our body to use when solving a problem is our voice. They learnt if something goes wrong they need to tell people how they feel, what is bothering them and what they would like to happen. Piglet solved the problem by saying, "I feel annoyed when you call me Piggy. My name is Piglet, please call me Piglet!" The children also learnt that you must look at the person, hold your head up, straight back and use a strong, clear voice. The children took turns to use the puppets to annoy people and practised using their voice to solve the problem. Good job everyone!
