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St Brides PS Belfast
St.Bride’s PS & NU Open Day Friday 3rd January 2025 at 1:30-2:30pm Derryvolgie Hall
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P5Kennedy draw and paint pylons!

9th Oct 2017

Mrs Harrigan showed our class pictures of pylons. This is because our World Around Us topic is electricity.  Some looked like robots and some looked like people. Mrs Harrigan told us to think of the pylons as if it was a person with a head, a body, arms and legs. She always tells us not to rush straight in but to look for shapes such as triangles and crosses. Firstly we drew our pylons with pencils. We tried to use the middle of the page and leave room for the triangle at the top and at the side for the lightening bolts. Then we used a dark oil pastel to go over our pencil lines. It had to be a dark colour. We then crumpled the page lightly in our hands, unfolded it  and then Mrs Harrigan gave us some "warm" colours in a little palette. We really watered the paints and took some colour and put patches of colour on our drawings. Have a look at our gallery of photos. We hope you like them.

By Annie and Éirinn   
