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St Brides PS Belfast
St.Bride’s PS & NU Open Day Friday 3rd January 2025 at 1:30-2:30pm Derryvolgie Hall
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P3 McNamee Litter Workshop

13th Nov 2018

We had a visitor from Belfast City Council who was telling us all about litter in our world and the problems it was causing now and would cause in the future.

She was asking us why we should take care of our world and she really liked our answers and said we were great Eco Warriors!

We learnt all about the dangers of litter to us and to animals and how much plastic there is in the oceans of our world!

We had an activity sheet to complete where we had to spot all the litter in a playground and we had a sorting activity to do with our friends.

We were great listeners and remembered our manners during the visit. After the visit we all got a ‘Superstar’ stamp and a Table Star from Mrs McNamee.
