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St.Bride’s PS & NU Open Day Friday 3rd January 2025 at 1:30-2:30pm Derryvolgie Hall
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P1 Wynne Add using Ladybirds

18th Jan 2018

In Numeracy we have be adding two sets. First we did this with ourselves and our toys, and we have been doing it with cubes too!

This week, we have been using ladybirds and their spots to help us add.

We count the ladybird's spots on one side and write it on our special whiteboards and then the other. We know the arrow means 'makes' or 'how many altogether?'. We finally count all the spots together and write the number down after the arrow. It's like a number story and we are learning that they are called sums.

Sometimes we write our numbers back to front, we are trying really hard to use the number-line on our table to help us write the numbers the right way.

I wonder if you could find things in your house to add together. Remember to use the word 'and' and the arrow to record your sums!

