P1 - Home school information pack
Dear Parents/Guardians, 30th March 2020
We have organised the suggested activities for the following 2 weeks. They are under the headings of Literacy, Numeracy, WAU and Grow In Love (with an additional activity section).
New words 30th March – an, gave, then, first, him, draw, colour, can this fortnight. You can write these into your green word book.
Below you will find all the tasks and worksheets with explanations. Our advice to parents is that this is done in short sessions, when possible, with lots of repetition. We are fully aware that this may be difficult depending on your circumstances and these should only be used as guidance and support.
If you have your pink literacy book at home, feel free to use this to record work and please mark yourself as you go along (lots of ticks and smiley faces!).
It is important to note that we are unable to differentiate work. It is important that you use your discretion when completing activities. Stopping if your child gets frustrated or giving them adult assistance when needed.
We hope you are all doing well and taking care of yourselves. Your teachers and assistants are missing you lots and lots.
Lots of love from Miss Wynne, Mrs Toal, Mrs Mallon and Mrs Merron.
Week 1 Literacy
- Discuss their weather observations and share news (show & tell). Ask them what day, month and season it is (This will be like ‘Welcome Time’ in school). This is a great way of developing self-confidence in talking and listening skills.
- You can model/explain life cycle of a butterfly. PowerPoints about Butterflies are included on the website. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcokL7PRrnY
- Introduce The Very Hungry Caterpillar. There is a PowerPoint of the story uploaded onto the website. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75NQK-Sm1YY
- Complete recount of morning/afternoon time. Use template to complete uploaded onto the website. Clock, house and people symbol mean When, where and who. E.g. On Wednesday in the garden with mum. Then complete the sections - first, then and finally e.g. First we went outside. Then we played catch. Finally, we came inside for a drink of water. (It is important to note that the words need to be sounded out using the phonic alphabet e.g. outside will look more like otsid.) If this is proving too difficult for your child, they could attempt key words or they could record it pictorially along with verbally going through each section. You could then write the sentences for them.
- Read and Draw activity- this is attached on a word document you can either print it out or write it out yourself. (Use phonics and the green word book to complete this work.)
- Complete ‘qu’ handwriting on whiteboards, literacy book/paper and pencil. (It is important to explain that two letters together can make one sound) A nice little rhyme for this sound is ‘q and u are stuck like glue’.
Below are some useful links to teach the ‘qu’ sound:
Starfall website https://www.starfall.com/h/abcs/
abc mouse on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beT_KcblaBI
letter formation http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/literacy/letterformation/
- Draw three things beginning with ‘qu’ (quik, quilt, quiz, quak, quen – use phonic alphabet to sound these words out!) and write sentences using selected ‘qu’ words on whiteboards/paper or literacy book. Tap out the syllables for the qu words. (e.g. quick – 1 syllable, quick/ly – 2 syllables)
Week 2 Literacy
- Complete a recount of a practical activity that you have carried out at home, e.g. having breakfast/lunch. Use the prompts explained in week 1 to complete this.
- Read a variety of books by Julia Donaldson (also available on BBC iPlayer) and any other books.
- Read ‘Kipper’s Laces’ and complete jumbled sentences (you will find attached jumbled sentences that you can print out or write them out yourselves). We have uploaded a PowerPoint of the book onto the website.
- Draw 4 things that start with ‘w’. Attempt to write words starting with w e.g. wet, web, wigwam, want, went, water (using the phonic alphabet your child’s attempt will look more like watr). Clap syllables for objects beginning with ‘w’.
- Practice your ‘w’ handwriting, e.g. trace it on your adult’s back (there is a great app to practise letter formation ‘Little Writing by alligator apps’)
- Using the green word book and the phonic alphabet write a variety of sentences independently on whiteboards.
- Listen to and learn rhymes: Learn ‘An Owl in an Oak’ and ‘Ring-a-Ring O’ Roses’ (use YouTube to access these rhymes).
Week 1 Numeracy
- Explore the concept of subtraction using practical materials using mathematical language e.g. set out 4 forks and take away 2. How many do you have left? (We cannot emphasise the importance of practical experience before recording!)
- Number line work e.g. everyone put their finger on 2 and add 1 more (practically). Create a number line at home. 0-10 initially then extending on to 15. Below are some links to online number line work. http://www.hbschool.com/activity/numberline1_5_04/
- http://www.eduplace.com/cgi-bin/schtemplate.cgi?template=/kids/mw/manip/mn_popup.thtml&filename=nmbl_prim&title=Number%20Line&grade=1
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=NumberLinev5
- Addition - Heinemann Workbook 5 page 11 and 13 (ensure you only give your child 4/5 objects/counting materials when completing). We suggest you do this practically and verbally the first time or a few times!
- Discuss using 1 penny coins, adding; making more – create a shop at home using toys and penny coins, paper coins, pasta or lego etc.
- ‘Complete a given set’ worksheet and you could play the interactive game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/teddy-numbers
- Practise the correct formation of the number 14 and draw/set out sets of 14. To extend this work you practise other number formations and put out sets of…
- Mental maths – show me number 4 on the number line, show me 9 on the number line. Count up and down the number line from 1-14.
Week 2 Numeracy
- Continue concept of subtraction practically
- Number line work e.g. put their finger on 2 and add 1 more (practically!!!!)
- Money activity: Heinemann Workbook 5: Money page 19 and page 20 practically with adult support and practical materials used.
- Write a number ‘word’ and get your child to read it out loud and show you with their fingers e.g. show the word two, then they say two and show you two fingers. J
- Practise the correct formation of the number 15 and draw/set out sets of 15. To extend this work you practise other number formation and put out sets of…
- ‘Show me’ o’clock times using a clock at home or a homemade clock. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock this is an online clock you can use. (Just remember that it is only o’clock times that they need to learn in primary 1.)
- Concept of subtraction Heinemann work book 6 page 1 and 2. Remember to use practical materials to support this work. E.g. set out 4 cars (or blocks or lego or anything) then take away 1. How many left?
Topic - Lifecycles
- Listen to and discuss the sequence of events in the book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75NQK-Sm1YY
- Sequence the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. You can do this using the twinkl resources or just practically and talking through the story.
- Use a large range of non-fiction books/websites/videos to learn facts about caterpillars/butterflies. https://www.kidsbutterfly.org/life-cycle https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-nature/insects/butterfly-life-cycle/
- Compare and Contrast: ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ with a non-fiction book/video clip on a caterpillar/butterfly. (This is a talking and listening activity.) They talk about the things that are the same in the books and then they talk about the things that are different. E.g. SAME: They are both about butterflies. DIFFERENT: The story book uses drawings and the other book/video uses real life photographs.
- Understand the concept of a lifecycle (focusing on the butterfly) using posters, books etc. Individually create and colour the lifecycle of a butterfly.
Grow In Love – Online resource
- To help parents during this difficult time, Veritas is granting free access to their Grow in Love online series. Simply login on the www.growinlove.ie website with the following details: This is the resource that we use in school for teaching religion. There are some lovely videos, songs and stories that the children could look at. When you log on go to the Junior infants/P1 folder. In school we would be covering the ‘Theme 6 – Holy Week and Easter’ folder.
- Email: trial@growinlove.ie Password: growinlove
Other activities
We will include some extra activity ideas each fortnight. These are just suggestions and ideas for you to do at home. We know you will be inundated with lots of suggestions for things to do but we thought it was useful to include some ideas each fortnight for you to do or not to do!
- Join library online to get access to books: https://www.librariesni.org.uk/_layouts/LNI_CustomPages/CreateLMSUsers.aspx
- Bake a cake
- Down load a free audio books from https://stories.audible.com/
- Play I spy
- Access Carol Vorderman’s maths resources free www.themathsfactor.com
- Sort your toys by size
- Make up a quiz
- Paint something
- Pair your socks
- Sing the phonic alphabet
- Make up a new game
- Keep a diary
- Take a GoNoodle break: https://www.gonoodle.com/
Butterflies lifecycle (30th Mar 2020) |
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Complete a given set worksheet (30th Mar 2020) |
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Cover sheet 30th March (30th Mar 2020) |
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Jumbled sentences (30th Mar 2020) |
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Kipper's Laces (30th Mar 2020) |
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Life cycle activity sheets (30th Mar 2020) |
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Life cycle of a butterfly (30th Mar 2020) |
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Read and Draw activity (30th Mar 2020) |
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Recount template (30th Mar 2020) |
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The Very Hungry Caterpillar (30th Mar 2020) |
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St Bride's Primary School, 36 Derryvolgie Avenue,
Belfast, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland BT9 6FP
Tel: 028 90381700 | Email: info@stbrides.belfast.ni.sch.uk