Numeracy Task Time
P2 Cunningham have leapt into learning this week with our task time.
On Monday the Blue Birds and Orange Fish tables made and recorded patterns.
The Yellow Tigers were extremely busy completing missing number challenge activities.
The Red Koalas played a 'Days of the week' game as their Follow Up activity.
The Green Frogs gave directions and orders to Teddy using positional words such as 'under' 'over' 'beside' and 'in between.'
We are all super proud of our work and can't wait to see what activity we will be completing tomorrow!
Can you spot any patterns in your homes? You can tell Miss Cunningham what they are during Circle time this week.
St Bride's Primary School, 36 Derryvolgie Avenue,
Belfast, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland BT9 6FP
Tel: 028 90381700 | Email: