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St Brides PS Belfast
St.Bride’s PS & NU Open Day Friday 3rd January 2025 at 1:30-2:30pm Derryvolgie Hall
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It is all Happening in Year 4 Wilson !

1st Jun 2020

This week P4 Wilson have been getting artistic by designing their own fairy gardens. Ahmad, Ella and Azra have shared their pictures with us and they look fantastic! Anna, her Mum, Dad and sister even designed their own 3D fairy houses. Well done, everyone!

Alexa, Leo, Dawid and Anna have continued to enjoy our minibeasts topic this term. They carried out their STEM experiment where they put different materials in the garden and investigated which materials had the most minibeasts underneath. Alexa and Leo have written a procedure of how to carry out the experiment, while Dawid and Anna included pictures of them writing up their experiment. They made predictions on what they thought would happen and recorded their results. Dawid even included some pictures of the minibeasts he found in his garden. 

Oliver, Katie, Cian and Ella have been busy practicing their fractions. They have been colouring in fractions of shapes, giving the fraction of a shape that is coloured and finding fractions of amounts. Keep up the great work everyone. 

Oliver has remembered to celebrate Mary in the month of May by making a lovely May altar. Azra has celebrated Eid this week. She had a lovely day, received presents and her Mum made lots of treats. 

