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St Brides PS Belfast
St.Bride’s PS & NU Open Day Friday 3rd January 2025 at 1:30-2:30pm Derryvolgie Hall
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Irish News Photographer Visits St. Bride’s !

31st Jan 2024

Today Year 5M/Mck represented all of Key Stage 2 and got their picture taken by Mal for the February 1st edition of the Irish News. 

As part of the Brigid1500 celebrations Mrs Pearce , Mrs Mackle and Mrs Dabir  decided that every child in the Ashleigh Building would design a square. The theme of their design would be the life of St. Brigid. It was wonderful to see all the squares and each child’s individual interpretation of Brigid. The end result is an amazing patchwork quilt which was stitched together by Mrs Pearce and Mrs Mackle. 

It will hang with pride in the Ashleigh Building for years to come. It will be unveiled at our special mass to St. Brigid on Thursday the 1st of February. 

Fr.O Donnell and Ms Hunter are so proud of how the teachers and pupils have embraced the celebration of Brigid 1500 with such enthusiasm. What staff! What pupils! What talent! 

Happy St. Brigid’s Day 2024! 
