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St Brides PS Belfast
St.Bride’s PS & NU Open Day Friday 3rd January 2025 at 1:30-2:30pm Derryvolgie Hall
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Interesting School Council Minutes 28/02/23

2nd Mar 2023


There was a full complement of councillors at our February Meeting.

Items discussed were:

· We received two invitations from local politicians Gary Mc Keown and Kate Nicholl to visit City Hall & Stormont. We will take up those offers and are in touch with them to organise suitable times.

· Councillors were hoping to have a Nature Day in school and establish links with the National trust to explore to parks and flora in nearby parklands. We already grow vegetables in school with the help of Mrs Kinney.

· There was a suggestion from Catherine Yr. 5 Y about having a quiet time in school at some point in the week when we can practice Mindfulness and enjoy silence to promote Mental Health.

· There was an enquiry about yogurt containers and if we are recycling them in school dinners? Council agreed to investigate.

· In terms of recreation council wanted to ask Mrs Hunter about possibility of basketball nets outside for PE and lunchtime? Was there the chance to have an outdoor playground for Ashleigh that was suitable for bigger children/ (improve strength, grip, balance and so on)

· There was an enquiry about the school employing an Art specialist teacher to replace Mrs Harrigan.

· Is there a possibility of more activities for children during drop off in the mornings?

· Could teachers and children look at other fundraising ideas for Trócaire besides cake sales?

· Children looking more books for school library and clssrooms plus more regular visits to the school library.

· Councillors received an enquiry about increased use of apps and online based worksheets to save paper? Whole classes working on ipads at same time.

The busy meeting was concluded at 10:35. 
