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St Brides PS Belfast
Lá Fhéile Bríde - Happy St. Brigid’s Day
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Happy Friday Year 4 McK

1st May 2020


Cara worked so hard this morning her family are getting an ice-cream delivery to celebrate!

Did you all see Charlotte’s minecraft video of her minibeast garden …….it is fantastic! (Sorry not uploaded yet!)

Una-Rose designed a save the planet poster because she was watched some National Geographic videos about the Galapagos and it’s somewhere she’d love to visit!

Have a look at what Clodagh unearthed during her minibeast hunt! See clip! Thank you for your patience, Clodagh and Mum.   

When we are in school we usually have our Celebration of Learning focusing on the week’s spellings and Mental Arithmetic and lots of our class did this at home today!

Aren’t we a great class?
