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St Brides PS Belfast

Explore Learning Workshop

18th Apr 2018

Today we had visitors in our classroom. They came from Explore Learning NI and were lots of fun. We had to put our numeracy hats on!

We chatted about different flavours of ice-cream and we had to choose our favourite. We liked strawberry, vanilla, honeycomb and chocolate. Then we had to get in to the different lines (strawberry, vanilla etc). Most people liked strawberry and we counted 11 people!! Only 5 people liked chocolate flavour ice-cream. We also made a human pictograph for eye-colour. We had blue eyes, brown eyes and green eyes.

Then we had to close our eyes and imagine we were at the beach. We talked about the things we might see at the beach and the sounds we might hear. We all wished we were on the beach on a hot, sunny day.

Finally, we looked at a picture of the beach, we had to identify the number of different objects such as, seagulls, starfish and anchors. Then on our own page, we had to colour in the same number as we had counted. If we saw two anchors, then coloured in two anchors and if we saw four starfish, we coloured in four starfish.

We did great listening and enjoyed having visitors in our classroom!!
