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Catch Up With Year 4 Gray

12th Jun 2020


Alannah and Michael have created 3-d snail models using scrap materials they found at home. Michael had named his Michelle!

Mollie Rose and George have also been busy making their 3-d models too. They decided to make ladybirds and don’t they look fantastic? George has named his Billy and Mollie Rose has named hers Jessica!

Luke created Doug the Ant using scrap materials he found at home. Luke, I love Doug the ant and I love that you created a video to share him with your class Team! He's definitely much bigger and brighter than most of the ants I've seen!!

Patrick made a spider for his 3-d minibeast model. I’m glad to see that he remembered to give it eight legs! He and Niamh have also created new creatures by using the body parts of other minibeasts.

Clara made a 3-d butterfly model and she has named her Violet! Isn’t it beautiful?

Mrs Gray loves to play Sudoku so decided to set her class a Sudoku challenge. Sarah rose to and completed the challenge. Well done you! Niamh completed her Friday morning times tables quiz and got them all right! Terrific work, Niamh!

George didn’t let the bad weather stop him from taking a long walk earlier today! Good man, George!
