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St Brides PS Belfast


16th Oct 2024
We had maths outdoors to learn about 3 parts of the circle. We drew the circumference...
16th Oct 2024
This morning we joined a Maths Week Ireland event where we went live with a zoom...
15th Oct 2024
Pupils from P6 and P7 travelled to Victoria Park to participate in the relay running...
15th Oct 2024
Today was another fun packed day with entertaining maths tasks. We'd a whole class...
15th Oct 2024
6 pupils at a time from P5McI have been mentoring P1F during out door playtime on...
15th Oct 2024
Maths week Ireland got off to a great start in P6CK this morning. What a buzz there...
14th Oct 2024
P6CK have been exploring this month's school value - RESPECT! Some wonderful work...
14th Oct 2024
We started our first activity to celebrate Maths Week by jumping in 7s. It was a...
14th Oct 2024
P5McI kicked started Maths week off by dancing along to BBC Super Movers to help...