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St Brides PS Belfast


2018/2019 School Year

31st May 2019
Every year in Derryvolgie and Ashleigh we put up May altars in honour of Our Lady....
30th May 2019
Mr Mc. Auley’s Primary 6 class assembly was based on kindness and how if each...
29th May 2019
  With the support of the St.Brigid's club, the  P5-7 girls participated...
28th May 2019
Year 3 McNamee had great fun learning about "Creation" with Miss Stewart. The...
28th May 2019
Year 3 Mc Namee had fun today learning about decomposition. Instead of having...
25th May 2019
Well done to James, our Year 7 pupil, who represented Antrim at half time during...