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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 2 O Hare Safety on the Road

24th Feb 2015

Beverly came to our class to tell us how to stay safe on the road. When I am crossing the road I have to be so careful. She told us to wear bright clothes. Victor helps me and my brother cross the road with a big lollipop. If a car hit you it would hurt and you would have to go to the hospital.

We can put shiny straps on our arms so cars can see us walking and crossing the road. In the dark if you are wearing dark clothes cars won’t be able to see you and then the cars would crash. Bikes go fast too and you need to wear a helmet when you are riding a bike.

Beverly gave us some clothes to wear. Edward got a dark black shirt and Julia wore a yellow stripy strap on her arm so that people could see her. We learned a lot about staying safe in winter.

By Tobin
