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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 2 McMahon People Who Help Us

27th Nov 2014

P.2. McMahon use play to learn about the 'People who help us'

During play we have been learning about the 'People who help us'. We used play dough to make the equipment the 'People who help us' use including a lollipop stick, the wheels of a police car and a fire fighters hose. A fire station was set up so we could pretend to be fire fighters and we even dressed up in the uniforms of doctors, nurses, vets and lollipop man. We learned to stitch people back together using beads and threading activities and built our own hospital using blocks. We used paint and the programme 'Fresco' on the computer to create pictures of the' People who help us'. Mrs McMahon thought it was funny to see all of us dressed up as mini police officers!
