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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 1 Wynne Autumn Walk

18th Dec 2015

In Yr 1, we have enjoyed learning lots about Autumn. We went on a walk to see what changes we could find. We saw a horse chestnut tree at the front of school and noticed some of its conkers on the ground. We found lots of the leaves had fallen off the trees and even changed colour. Lots of us really loved bringing in all the different coloured red, brown, gold and orange leaves we found outside. Some of us even brought in conkers from the horse chestnut tree and ‘helicopters’ from the Sycamore tree. We put them on our autumn table. We loved talking about mice and squirrels that are gathering up nuts and berries for the winter and animals that are going to hibernate for the whole winter! We even saw a squirrel in a tree outside our classroom window! We talked about migration and how birds, like swallows, fly away to a warmer country and some geese even come here because it’s warmer than the country they live in!

We have had such fun learning all about autumn and can’t wait to see the changes that Winter will bring!

Yr1 W
