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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 1 White, Year 6 McAuley and McMahon Waste Free Lunches

7th Nov 2016


Over the past two years we have been trying very hard to keep our lunch boxes waste-free. We are encouraging our pupils to use plastic containers (for sandwiches and fruit) and water bottles where possible so they can be reused. Take a look at these photos of waste free lunch boxes to get an idea. While is it lovely to see lots of reusable containers that is not always possible for all our food. It is so convenient to buy pre-packed goods such as cereal bars, dried fruit or multipacks of crisps. It saves us money and ensures we have enough to fill our lunch boxes for a week or more! What we are asking in St. Bride’s is NOT to stop giving your child these items in packs, but that your child puts them back into their lunch box and gets rid of their rubbish at home. This will help our school become waste free.

LOOK OUT FOR WASTE FREE WEDNESDAYS – zero waste in St. Bride’s!
