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Primary 1 Mrs McNamee Identifying letter ‘C'
This week our focus letter is the letter ‘c’ we have been finding words that begin with the letter ’c’ in our homes and bringing them into school for our Sound Spot. Then in class we have been counting syllables in words beginning with ‘c’ and learning to write the letter ‘c’.
One of our tasks this week was to cut out pictures beginning with the letter ‘c’ and stick them on our page. Mrs McNamee was trying to trick us though, as she gave us lots of pictures but not all of them began with ‘c’. The pictures that didn’t begin with ‘c’ had to go in the recycling bin.
Look at the photos of the Seal group busy working, all of the boys and girls in this group got their cutting and sticking task perfect!
Can you find any items beginning with ‘c’ if you are out this weekend? Keep your eyes open!
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