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St Brides PS Belfast

P3 Young Playtime

11th Jan 2018

In our play we are thinking about the season of winter. We have worked together to create a Winter coffee shop. We sell hot chocolate, muffins, tasty pancakes and so  much more. All comes at a very reasonable price.  Coffee is only 5p! Now where else in Belfast would you get that? Some groups painted winter snow capped trees and happy snowmen. We have put these outside our classroom on a display board.  It really is beginning to feel like Winter.  Another group worked on fractions! Yes, can you believe we are learning to divide into halves and quarters. We know about the biggest fractions.  Some of us practised our handwriting. Our teacher says she sees a big improvement and we are beginning to form our letters with more care. Well done to us. A great start for 2018!