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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 Wynne Literacy Tasks

8th Feb 2018

This week our letter of the week was ‘b’. We came up with so many words that begin with the ‘b’ sound. Lots of us brought in things that started with 'b' that we found in our house. We got stamps on our certificates!! Our Sound Spot is over-flowing – Miss Wynne thinks we might need to make it bigger. During task – time this week, we have been stretching and squeezing words to match them to the correct picture. We stretched and squeezed ‘b-a-t’, ‘b-i-n’, ‘b-u-n’ and even ‘b-a-s-k-e-t’!!! We were great! Then we had to ‘read and draw’, so we stretched and squeezed our words again and drew the picture. We worked very hard. At home, you could ask your adult to make a CVC (Consonant - Vowel - Consonant) word with the letters we know and you can show off your super ‘stretching and squeezing’!

Have a look at the picture of our Sound Spot - how many things can you see? Can you see the Barbie or the box or the book?

We have also been matching pictures that rhyme. We matched ‘frog’ with ‘log’ and ‘head’ with ‘bread’. We even had a go at writing the word under the picture. We noticed that the words that rhymed had the same ending. At home, can you find two things in your house that rhyme?
