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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 Merron - We're Going on a Bear Hunt

25th Jan 2018

This week we have been reading the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'.

We have been deciding what our favourite scene was (this is where the story was set). This story happened in lots of different places, in a snow storm, the mud, a river, the grass etc.

During writing we had to decide which was our favourite scene and why (using the word 'because' to explain why). We got to use a word grid to help us with our writing and Mrs Merron told us how to start the sentence with 'I like...' and she spelt the word 'because' for us. We also used our sounds to write other words to make a sentence. We are getting really great at using our phonics to help us write. We also must not forget to use our finger spaces in between words.

This link should hopefully bring you to the story on YouTube that we listened to

When reading your story at home you could decide what your favourite scene was.

