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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 Merron - Trip to the Planetarium

22nd Feb 2018

We went on a school trip to the Planetarium.

First we got the bus, once we arrived we had our snacks. Then we went into a big room a bit like a cinema, we watched a movie about all the planets, one about aliens and we went on a virtual rollercoaster!!!

After we had our lunch. We then went to make rockets, we coloured in our rockets and then filled our bottles with water. We then went outside to launch the rockets. We counted 3..2..1..blast off!!! They went shooting through the sky!!

After we listened to Heather talk about astronauts. We learnt about what the eat, how they brush their teeth and even how they go to the toilet. We asked her lots of questions about space and the international space station. We then got to explore for a little bit.

Finally we got the bus back to school. We had a brilliant time and Mrs Merron was very proud of how good we all were!
