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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 Merron - October playtime

23rd Oct 2018

We have been having lots and lots of fun during playtime this October. We had the role play area set up as a 'farmers market' and we loved playing the customer and the shop keeper. We had fun making things at the cut and stick and using the play dough to make Gingerbread men and women.

The sound spot was a big hit and we enjoyed playing with objects beginning with the letter of that week, so far they have been s, a, t and p!

We have been learning all about body parts and have completed some jigsaws labelling the body parts. We have been making patterns at the maths area and have loved drawing and colouring in our Halloween pictures.

The role play area changed into a scary haunted house for the last week before Halloween and we have just loved dressing up.

I hope these pictures give you a taste of what we get up to during playtime. Mrs Merron has been very impressed with how we can take turns and share, well done!!!