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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 Merron - Numeracy

11th Jan 2018

This week in Numeracy we have been looking further at adding. We have discussed the different words we can use for adding e.g. plus, and, addition, add. We even have a cool adding machine in our classroom which we play with during playtime. We have been adding different things together, focusing on altogether/equals.

Our 3D shape display is starting to look great (photo to follow soon). We have been learning all about 3D shape names and what shape their faces are. E.g. A cube has square faces, a cylinder has circle faces.

We have been forming the number '9' which is pretty tricky and it's ok to get it mixed up with the letter 'p', we have to try remember that the number '9' starts off a bit like the letter 'c'. We are starting to get the hang of it and use the number line on our tables to help us remember what it looks like.

We have been busy sorting using a Venn diagram this week. We put all the turtles into the circle and all the animals that are not a turtles outside of the circle.

We have been discussing lots about different sizes looking at people who are taller and those that are shorter. We even drew our own families in size order, starting with the smallest/shortest. Next week we will be talking about things longer or shorter than our pencil.