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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 Merron - Literacy Task Time

11th Jan 2018

We have been getting back into the swing of primary 1 with task time. This week we have been super busy. We have been reading and writing about our favourite part of the story starting our sentence with 'I like...'. We have been looking at the front cover of our reading books and finding the title.

We have been completing a recount (this is something we have done already) of a music lesson focusing on when, where and who. We use the words, first, then and finally to talk about what we did.

The sound this week is the letter 'd' and we have been sounding out words beginning with the letter 'd' e.g. dot, drop, doll. Mrs Merron is very impressed with our handwriting this week as the letter 'd' can be a little tricky. Well done to everyone this week, you have completed super work!