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P1 McNamee Rhyming Pots

26th Oct 2017

We have been playing thumbs up/down games in class. When Mrs McNamee says two words we have to put our thumbs up if they rhyme and if they don’t we put our thumbs down

(fox/box=thumbs up, tree/bee=thumbs up, shoe/boot=thumbs down).

Sometimes Mrs McNamee says good morning to us but instead of using a real name she says a rhyming word and we have to guess who she is saying hello to! “Hello Bia” is really Tia and “Hello Bugh” is really Hugh, this game makes us giggle.

This week in tasks we have to sort rhyming pictures into the correct pots. You can see Peter and Aisha had to sort words that rhymed with bee, bug and van. We all had different pots and Tia and Joseph had to sort different rhymes, dog, snake and cat. The Octopus group were very busy. Maybe you could play some of our rhyming games at home or go for a hunt for things that rhyme in your house?
