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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 McNamee Nursery Rhyme Writing

28th Sep 2017

We have been singing and watching lots of Nursery Rhymes in school.


We have even been drawing some beautiful pictures of the Nursery Rhymes in


our Literacy books and ‘having a go’ writing about them.


Mrs McNamee knows we don’t know how to write all the letters and all the


words in the world yet but we have been using some letters from our name tags 


and making marks in our books and she is very proud of us!


We have been starting our writing (mark making) on the left of our page and


moving to the right. We are trying to put in finger spaces and a full stop at the


end so show how clever we are! We are going to learn our first letter next week!

At home why don't you have a go at 'writing'?

You could help write a shopping list or write about your favourite character from a book!

Have fun!



