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P1 McNamee “Go Game”

19th Oct 2017

In Literacy during our ‘Attention and Listening’ Task this week we had a new game to play. We were working with our partners and we were pretending to pack a suitcase for Elmer the elephant going on his holidays. We had to listen very carefully to what our partner was telling us to do to make sure we packed the right things. When we got it right our partner would give us a big thumbs up.

Ellen listened to Cillians instructions and packed the yellow sun cream and red torch. Isla used a great big voice when telling Raoul what to pack and Yasmin listened really carefully when Sorley asked her to pack the blue sunglasses.

At home you could get a shopping bag and some food from your cupboard and play this game with a brother, sister or an adult. Remember to say …….

“When I say go put the __________ and __________ in the shopping bag. Go”

Take turns and give your partner a thumbs up when they get it right!
