Access Keys:

St Brides PS Belfast

Nursery Police and Fire Visit Mrs Ward

10th Feb 2015

The nursery have been learning all about “People Who Help Us” 

The police came to visit us and to talk to us about their work.  We got a chance to look at handcuffs and batons and we even got to wear their armoured vests and their hats.  We learned all about ‘stranger danger’ and what to do if we get lost or if someone tries to take us away!  The police officers took us out to their police car and we got to sit in it and even put the siren and lights on!

The firemen came to visit also and they brought their fire appliance with them…we thought it was awesome!  We got to use the fire hose to try to knock over the cone and we also got to sit in the appliance and have a look at all the equipment they carry with them.  We LOVED it!
