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St Brides PS Belfast

Mrs Mc Ilroy's Class Enjoy Hurling with James Darragh

26th Oct 2016

Today we had great fun out in the Ashleigh playground. James Darragh, the hurling coach, took us for our first hurling lesson. It was difficult to get the helmets on! We learnt lots of new skills. He told us that if we hold our hands further down the hurl we will be able to control the ball more. My favourite part of the lesson was when we were timed for 30 seconds and we had to see who could run around the most  cones hold our hurl and not losing control of the ball. I did not win. Hurling is great fun and the coach is nice. Thanks to St. Brigid’s GAC and Mr Cunningham for organising this. I can’t wait until next week.
