Access Keys:

St Brides PS Belfast

Board of Governors




Role and Responsibility

Very Rev. Edward O’Donnell

Trustee Nominee

Link Governor Religion

Mr Peter Coll

Trustee Nominee

Link Governor WAU

Link Governor for Ethos

Ms Patricia Crossin

Trustee Nominee

Chair of the BOG

Link Governor SEN

Finance Subcommittee

Mr Patrick Dolan

Trustee Nominee

Link Governor ICT

Finance Subcommittee

Health & Safety subcommittee

Mrs Caroline Agnew

Education Authority

Designated Governor for Child Protection

Mrs Louisa Fee

Department of Education

Link Governor Numeracy


Mrs Rosalie Flanagan

Education Authority


Member of Safeguarding Team

Mrs Rachael Spollen

Parent Governor

Link Governor Literacy

Miss Otteran Joyce Teacher Governor

Health & Safety Subcommittee

Link Governor Play Based Learning

Ms Cathy Hunter


Secretary to the Board of Governors

Mrs Eileen Mooney

Co-opted member of BOG

Finance Subcommittee

Health & Safety subcommittee